Press Release March 5, 2024: The Is Surprised and Disheartened by the Québec Court of Appeal’s Decision to Uphold Bill 21
Press Release November 30, 2023: QFHSA Celebrates Successful Negotiations Regarding Sections of Bill 23
Press Release October 20, 2023: QFHSA Board of Directors Shocked at CAQ Attack on McGill, Concordia, and Bishop’s
Press Release September 13, 2023: The Provincial Government Makes It Difficult to Offer Praise!
Press Release August 14, 2023: The QFHSA Board of Directors Unanimously Supports the Bill 40 Judgment
Press Release May 19, 2023: The QFHSA Supports Bill S-251: An Act to Repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s call to action number 6)
Press Release February 6, 2023: The QFHSA Welcomes the Appointment of a Federal Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia
Press Release February 3, 2023: The QFHSA Supports the Prime Minister’s Request to the Supreme Court of Canada Regarding the Notwithstanding Clause
Brief on Bill C-13 (2022)
Read the QFHSA Board of Directors’ brief on the federal government’s Bill C-13.
Statement on the Coalition Avenir Quebec’s Refusal to Budge on Provisions for English-Speaking CEGEP Students
A joint statement from the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA), the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN), the English Parents’ Committee Association (EPCA), and the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA)
Statement on Bill 96 (English Version) (2021)
Read the QFHSA Board of Directors’ Statement on Bill 96.
Énoncé portant sur le projet de loi 96 (Version française) (2021)
Press Release February 4, 2021: Where Is the Support for English Speaking Students?
Les élections des écoles anglophones doivent être retardées (2020)
Read QFHSA Board President Linton Garner’s Letter to Premier Legault.
Statement on the abolition of the “Ethics and Religious Culture” Programme (English Version) (2020)
Bill 40 infringes on the constitutional rights of the English-speaking community of Quebec to manage and control our own education institutions.
Déclaration sur l’abolition du programme “Éthique et culture religieuse” (Version française) (2020)
Statement on Bill 21 (English Version) (2019)
Act respecting the laicity of the State.
Déclaration sur le projet de loi 21 (Version française) (2019)
Loi sur la laïcité de l’État.
Statement on School Closures (English Version) (2019)
The QFHSA and other English education organizations must be invited to sit down with the government and be closely involved in the process going forward if we are to have any faith that the government will respect our community’s right to control and manage our education institutions.
Opinion Statement on Bill 105 (English Version) (2016)
Bill 105 : An Act to amend the Education Act
Lettre d’opinion Bill 105 (Version française) (2016)
Projet de loi n°105 : Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’instruction publique
A Brief on Bill 86 (English Version) (2016)
An Act to modify the organization and governance of school boards to give schools a greater say in decision‐making and ensure parents’ presence within each school board’s decision‐making body
Mémoire sur le projet de loi n° 86 (Version française) (2016)
Loi modifiant l’organisation et la gouvernance des commissions scolaires en vue de rapprocher l’école des lieux de décision et d’assurer la présence des parents au sein de l’instance décisionnelle de la commission scolaire
Letter of Support to QCGN concerning Bill 10 (2014)
An Act to modify the organization and governance of the health and social services network, in particular by abolishing the regional agencies
Open Letter to Minister Couillard (English Version/Version française)
Press Release – Bill 14 (2013)
Quebec Federation of Home & School Association (QFHSA) defends its brief on Bill 14 before the Quebec National Assembly
A Brief on Bill 14 (English Version)
An Act to Amend the Charter of the French Language, The Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and other Legislative Provisions
Un Mémoire sur le projet de Loi 14 (French Version)
Loi modifiant la charte de la langue française, la charte des droits et libertés de la personne et d’autres dispositions législatives
A Response to Bill 60 (English Version)
Charter affirming the values of State secularism and religious neutrality and of equality between women and men, and providing a framework for accommodation requests
Une réponse aux projet de Loi 60 (Version française)
Loi n° 60, Charte affirmant les valeurs de laïcité et de neutralité religieuse de l’État ainsi que d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et encadrant les demandes d’accommodement
Brief on Bill 56 (English Version) (2012)
An Act to prevent and stop bullying and violence in schools
Un mémoire sur le projet de Loi 56 (Version française) (2012)
Un mémoire à l’intention de la Commission de la culture et de l’éducation portant sur le projet de loi no 56 : Loi visant à lutter contre l’intimidation et la violence à l’école
Un mémoire sur le projet de Loi 103 (Version française) (2010)
Loi modifiant la charte de la langue française et d’autres dispositions législatives
Brief on Bill 103 (English Version) (2010)
An Act to Amend the Charter of the French Language and other Legislative Provisions
Standing Senate Committee on Officials Languages: A Consultation (2010)
The QFHSA welcomes the opportunity to present this consultation brief to the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages