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Membership Forms
QFHSA members are made up of local associations (i.e. Home & Schools at the local level – their executives and their members) and individual members.
A local H&S association needs to send in the following documents (listed below) at the beginning of every school year to renew their membership:
As soon as AGM & Elections take place, QFHSA needs you to fill out the names and contact information of your new executive on the Executive List and send it to the office so that we may update our contact list for your school. The executive then needs to read and sign the Local Association Membership Renewal Form. They can then mail it or email a scan of it to the QFHSA office.
At this time of year, September, QFHSA also needs to receive your $50 administration fee and send it in accompanied by the Administration Fee Invoice.
Once the school year begins, you need to begin your membership campaign. If you don’t already have a membership form that you send out to your parents, you can use Family Membership Application Form as an example to create your own.
- Family Membership Application Form Sample 2024-2025
- Your parents should make out their cheques to your Home & School and then in turn, once you have collected all your memberships, you can send us one cheque for the total amount.
Please do not send in individual membership forms. We ask that you accumulate all your membership forms and fill out the Local Association Membership Listing to send in with your membership fees cheque. If you have associate members (members whose primary Home & School membership is another school) we ask that you include their names on the Local Association Associate Membership List and send that in as well. We do not want you to send in your associate members’ fees that you have collected. That money stays with your H&S.
- Associate Membership Listing 2024-2025 (Member belonging to two H&Ss)
When you send in your membership fees cheque, please also fill out and send in the Membership Summary Form.
Individual Membership If you are an individual and not connected to a H&S association but wish to become a member of QFHSA, please fill out the Individual Membership Application and mail it in with your payment of $20. If your organization is interested in QFHSA activities and would like to be included on the mailing lists and receive invitations to attend Fall Conference and AGM, consider becoming an Affiliate Member. There is an annual administration fee of $50.00.
Insurance Request Forms
NEW! It is now possible to apply for insurance for your event or food fundraisers online. Here’s how:
- Apply online for Event Insurance with this Google Form.
- Apply online for Blanket Food Insurance with this Google Form.
Another option: Download a Word version of the QFHSA Insurance Form (used for event or blanket food insurance) available here.
PLEASE NOTE: It is important to send your insurance request form to the QFHSA well in advance of your activity. The QFHSA must submit each insurance request to our insurance provider for approval. Please allow from 7 to 10 business days for this process.
Also, please review your form carefully before you submit it; any changes in dates, times, etc., will require a new insurance form (and the approval process will need to re-begin).
Historical List of Home & Schools
Other Forms
- Annual General Meeting and the Home and School Elections Template
- AGM sample meeting agenda
- Approving Amendments of the Constitution
- Local Association Constitution Template (Word File)
- Local Association Constitution Template (PDF)
- Local Association By-Laws Template (Word File)
- Local Association By-Laws Template (PDF)
- Fundraising Best Practices Template
- Creating Resolutions for the QFHSA AGM: Information and Sample
- Resolutions Template