The QFHSA is always happy to welcome new committee members. Home and School members interested in finding out more about our committees are invited to email Executive Director Carol Meindl at carolmeindl@qfhsa.org. All committee meetings take place on Zoom.
Executive Committee
Rosemary Murphy, Chair
The Executive Committee reviews special issues before they are brought to the attention of the board of directors. This committee has the power to act on behalf of the board between regular meetings. The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations plus the executive director.
Finance Committee
Wanda Leah Trineer, Chair; Debi Brown, Vice-Chair
The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the finances of the organization. Among other duties, the committee prepares and reviews annual budgets, reviews accounting procedures, prepares financial reports, and makes recommendations to the board of directors on financial matters.
Education, Rights, and Resolutions Committee
Natasha Drysdale, Chair
In keeping with the QFHSA’s mission to enhance the education and general well-being of Quebec children and youth, the QFHSA Education, Rights, and Resolutions Committee is dedicated to addressing issues of concern related to education and rights. The committee has three working subcommittees, as described below.
Education Subcommittee
Samantha Patel, Chair; Cindy Lockhart, Vice-Chair
The QFHSA Education Subcommittee is composed of Home and School members, QFHSA staff and board members along with people from the community who share an interest in Quebec education. There is much to discuss when it comes to education in Quebec: curriculum, special-needs education, the teacher shortage, anti-racism, anti-bullying, to name just a few.
The Literacy Subcommittee is responsible for promoting awareness of the requirements for literacy in a knowledge-based society and mobilizing school and community volunteer resources to advocate and deliver literacy programs for prevention and remediation. The subcommittee oversees a number of projects including the Library Assistance Program, Born to Read, and the Reluctant Reader Literacy Project.
Rights Subcommittee
Natasha Drysdale, Chair; Samantha Patel, Vice-Chair
The mandate of the QFHSA Rights Subcommittee is to address topics concerning individual rights and freedoms within the Quebec education system and to provide suggestions to the QFHSA Board of Directors where deemed necessary and/or valuable.
Recurring/Ongoing Priorities:
• School boards and Law 40: An Act to amend mainly the Education Act with regard to school organization and governance
• Systemic Racism and Law 21: An Act respecting the laicity of the State
• The new Culture and Citizenship in Québec Course, which is currently being piloted in schools (The course replaces the Ethics and Religious Culture Course.)
• English CEGEPs and Law 96: An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec
New Priorities:
• Minority language communities and Bill C-13: An Act to amend the Official Languages Act, to enact the Use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act and to make related amendments to other Acts
• Bilingual representation and Law 9: An Act respecting the National Student Ombudsman
• Use of the Notwithstanding Clause
The subcommittee normally meets once per month on a weeknight at 7 p.m., the exact date of which is determined by member availability. At the meeting, members discuss current events, ongoing initiatives, and/or receive presentations pertaining to the above priorities. Membership is open to the public and all are welcome. If you would like to join the subcommittee or simply attend the next meeting without obligation, please email the Chair at natashat.drysdale@gmail.com.
Resolutions Subcommittee
Natasha Drysdale, Chair; Samantha Patel, Vice-Chair
The QFHSA Resolutions Subcommittee receives resolutions on issues of importance to the QFHSA community from QFHSA committees or member associations. The resolutions are then submitted to our membership for approval. Once adopted at the QFHSA Annual General Meeting, the resolutions become the impetus for advocacy and action, allowing the QFHSA to help enhance the education and general well-being of Quebec children and families.
Membership Committee
Bobbi Brown, Chair; Cindy Lockhart, Vice-Chair
The Membership Committee promotes the establishment, support, and retention of Home and School Associations in Quebec schools.
Nominations Committee
Brian Rock, Chair
The Nominations Committee receives nominations for and recruits qualified individuals to fill positions on the QFHSA Board of Directors.
Communications Committee
Carol Meindl, Chair
The Communications Committee oversees the implementation of initiatives to promote the mission and highlight the activity of the QFHSA through various media, including the QFHSA News newsmagazine, the QFHSA website, Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts, press releases, interviews and articles.
Constitution/By-Laws Committee
Cindy Lockhart, Chair; Bobbi Brown, Vice-Chair
The Constitution/By-Laws Committee is responsible for periodically reviewing the Quebec Federation of Home and School Federations’ constitution and by-laws and proposing updates as needed.