Challenge to Law 40
Bill 40 An Act to amend mainly the Education Act with regard to school organization and governance, tabled in October 2019, infringes on the constitutional rights of the English-speaking community of Quebec to manage and control our own education institutions.
We urged the Minister of Education to withdraw Bill 40, amend Bill 40, and /or exempt the English school system from its provisions, all to no avail.
Statement on the abolition of the “Ethics and Religious Culture” programme
The QFHSA’s Education, Rights and Resolutions Committee welcomes the opportunity to comment on the following: The abolishment of the Ethics and Religious Culture Course and the Consultation On The Ethics And Religious Culture Program Of Study.
Major Awards and Local Recognition Awards 2020
As the QFHSA’s AGM 2020 rapidly approaches, we are now reaching out to our membership for this year’s award nominees. Awards and prizes will be presented to the winners at the AGM on May 2nd, 2020.
The Major Awards are as follows: (Deadline March 20th)
- *NEW* Volunteer-of-the-Year Award
- Gordon Paterson Award
- Leslie N. Buzzell Award
- Lewis Peace Prize
- Pat Lewis Humanitarian Award
- Pat Lewis Environmental Award
To submit a nomination, please use this form: Major Awards and Prizes 2020
The Local Recognition Awards are as followes: (Deadline April 23rd)
To submit your nomination lists for these awards, please use this form: Local Recognition Awards 2020
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
QFHSA Member H&S Associations Interactive Map
Major Awards and Local Recognition Awards 2020
As the QFHSA’s AGM 2020 rapidly approaches, we are now reaching out to our membership for this year’s award nominees. Awards and prizes will be presented to the winners at the AGM on May 2nd, 2020.
The Major Awards are as follows: (Deadline March 20th)
- *NEW* Volunteer-of-the-Year Award
- Gordon Paterson Award
- Leslie N. Buzzell Award
- Lewis Peace Prize
- Pat Lewis Humanitarian Award
- Pat Lewis Environmental Award
To submit a nomination, please use this form: Major Awards and Prizes 2020
The Local Recognition Awards are as followes: (Deadline April 23rd)
To submit your nomination lists for these awards, please use this form: Local Recognition Awards 2020
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
QFHSA Member H&S Associations Interactive Map
Major Awards and Local Recognition Awards 2020
As the QFHSA’s AGM 2020 rapidly approaches, we are now reaching out to our membership for this year’s award nominees. Awards and prizes will be presented to the winners at the AGM on May 2nd, 2020.
The Major Awards are as follows: (Deadline March 20th)
- *NEW* Volunteer-of-the-Year Award
- Gordon Paterson Award
- Leslie N. Buzzell Award
- Lewis Peace Prize
- Pat Lewis Humanitarian Award
- Pat Lewis Environmental Award
To submit a nomination, please use this form: Major Awards and Prizes 2020
The Local Recognition Awards are as followes: (Deadline April 23rd)
To submit your nomination lists for these awards, please use this form: Local Recognition Awards 2020
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
QFHSA Member H&S Associations Interactive Map
Major Awards and Local Recognition Awards 2020
As the QFHSA’s AGM 2020 rapidly approaches, we are now reaching out to our membership for this year’s award nominees. Awards and prizes will be presented to the winners at the AGM on May 2nd, 2020.
The Major Awards are as follows: (Deadline March 20th)
- *NEW* Volunteer-of-the-Year Award
- Gordon Paterson Award
- Leslie N. Buzzell Award
- Lewis Peace Prize
- Pat Lewis Humanitarian Award
- Pat Lewis Environmental Award
To submit a nomination, please use this form: Major Awards and Prizes 2020
The Local Recognition Awards are as followes: (Deadline April 23rd)
To submit your nomination lists for these awards, please use this form: Local Recognition Awards 2020
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
QFHSA Member H&S Associations Interactive Map
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Historical Listing of H&S Associations
Quebec Home and Schools may come and go over the years, but their contributions to their schools have not been forgotten. Here is a list of all the historic Home and School Associations. Those in blue ink remain active today. Find your H&S on the list!
Quebec’s Law 21 is discriminatory and divisive and must be fought on all fronts. The “No to Law 21” campaign, in partnership with Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, invites Quebecers from all faiths, backgrounds and walks of life to proudly wear a button to demonstrate their opposition to this law.
QFHSA will be helping with the ordering and distribution of the buttons. To make a donation to this campaign, click on the donate button and choose the “No to Law 21” Fund.
Notice: QFHSA Annual Membership Fee Increase
At the 2018 Annual General Meeting, April 28, 2018, Treasurer Leah Trineer submitted a Notice of Motion to the delegates representing the member Home and School Associations. This notice advised the delegates that a motion to increase the QFHSA membership fee from $18 to $20 would be brought to the floor for a vote at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. (The annual membership fee had not been increased since 2012, when it went from $16 to $18.) This would give the member associations time to inform their membership.
On May 4, 2019 at the QFHSA Annual General Meeting, Treasurer Leah Trineer called for a Motion to adopt the new membership fee of $20.00 per family per year, effective September 2019. The motion was adopted unanimously.
All Home and School Association Presidents, Treasurers and Membership Chairs were subsequently advised of this increase.
Where is the community consultation?
May 13, 2019- The Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, Inc. (QFHSA) defends the right of access to English education in Quebec, be it in small isolated rural schools in the regions, or small urban schools on the Island of Montreal. The QFHSA is, therefore, alarmed at the speed and heavy handedness which the current Minister of Education and Higher Education has used to forgo community consultation in favour of expediency. Only last year, the Ministry was proud to announce its education reform as a plan to give the community more direct say: “More than ever, we believe that schools must belong to their neighbourhoods. The members of a community are the people best equipped to determine the needs of their schools and defend the interests of the students in those schools.” – School Governance plan, CAQ website 2018, p. 4 Now, the process is more one of “informing parents”, not consulting with them, as was indicated in the recent letter sent by Jean-Francois Roberge, Minister of Education and Higher Education, to EMSB Chair Angela Mancini, regarding the unilateral transfer of three EMSB schools: Gerald McShane Elementary School, General Vanier Elementary School and John Paul I High School in the east end of Montreal to Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île in Riviere-des-Prairies so soon after the transfer of Riverdale High School to Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys.
What happened to the promise of community consultation?
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