- Facilitates an atmosphere of common purpose and cooperation, creating a cohesive group from many individual talents and interests.
- Welcomes new members, encourages participation and innovation.
- Shares responsibility and delegates duties.
- Instructs new officers and committee chairmen of their duties, and is aware of the importance of planning continuity in office.
- Presides at meetings.
- Creates the meeting agenda in consultation with other members of the Executive Committee and calls the meeting at the time appointed.
- Is familiar with the fundamentals of parliamentary procedure, recognizing impartially the rights of all members to participate in discussion.
- Is knowledgeable about the constitution, by-laws, rules of order and procedure.
- Maintains own personal files and records.
- Signs cheques and documents with 2 other members of Executive Committee.
- Presents President’s Year-end Report at Annual General Meeting to members.
- Submits President’s Year-end Report to the QFHSA office prior to June 30th.
- Ensures that the Re-affirmation of Membership form is duly signed and submitted to the QFHSA office before October 31.
- Invites school administrators, staff, and other organizations to exchange liaison representatives.
- Distributes to the officers, chairmen and members the information and material intended for their use from the provincial federation.
- Attends or delegates an alternate to represent the association at district, area or regional council meetings.
- Forwards the names and addresses of the newly elected Executive Committee and Committee Chairmen to the Federation (QFHSA).
- Is responsible for ensuring representation at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation.
- Organizes representation at QFHSA Fall Conference.
- Organizes representation at the QFHSA AGM.
- Acts as aide to the President.
- Presides at meetings in the absence of the President.
- Assumes responsibility for the administrative details delegated by the President.
- Represents the Association upon request of the President or of the Executive Committee as the QFHSA liaison.
- Assumes the duties of the President, in case of resignation or until the position is filled, in accordance with the by-laws.
- Performs other specific duties that may be provided for in the by-laws, or are assigned by the President.
- Notifies members not present at the meeting of duties assigned to them.
- Reminds members of their appointment to committees.
- Receives all monies, pays all bills, and does the banking. If he/she is not able to do the banking then another member will be designated.
- Keeps an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures.
- Presents a written report at monthly meetings and hands out a copy to all members at general meeting.
- Keeps an inventory of purchases and assets.
- Submits an annual budget to all members at first meeting of the school year.
- Arranges for an audit of the financial books when agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
- Forwards per capita fees and administration fee to the Federation and other councils when designated in a timely manner.
- Keeps all cancelled cheques, invoices, receipts, and other financial records for a minimum of six years, in a designated secure area within the school.
- Confers closely with the President and the Executive Committee and participates in all financial decisions.
- After each fundraising event submits a report to the president on how much was collected and what was accomplished with this money.
- Prepares the annual Treasurer’s Financial Report to be presented at the Annual General Meeting to the members.
- Submits Treasurer’s Financial Report to the QFHSA office prior to June 30th.
- Records an accurate, brief and impartial account of all business transacted at all meetings. Important points of the program, such as topic, method of presentation and names of participants are included. The Minutes should include:
- Place, date, time and presiding officer.
- Attendance.
- Adoption of previous Minutes.
- Reports received.
- Total receipts, total disbursements and balance on hand from the report of the Treasurer.
- Correspondence and action taken.
- Results of deliberations from unfinished or new business.
- The exact wording of all motions, the mover and seconder of the motion; whether carried or lost.
- Time of adjournment.
- Counts the members when a vote is necessary.
- Sends a copy of the minutes to the president and executive as soon as they are completed for corrections.
- Minutes of the previous meeting must be sent to all paid members who were present at said meeting at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting.
- Presents the Minutes for approval at the next meeting.
- Files committee reports and correspondence together with a copy of the replies.
- Sends out notices of executive, regular or special meetings.
- Ensures that the minutes are kept in perpetuity as an official record of all business transacted and an accurate historical document.
- Ensures that a copy of all minutes and correspondences are kept at a location designated by the Executive Committee.
- Deals with external and social correspondence as mandated by the president or the executive committee.
Membership Chair
- To promote an annual membership drive to encourage and increase membership each year.
- Collect all information on members and give membership fees to treasurer in a timely manner.
- To ensure the Head office and local executives have information required to maintain correspondences with the local members.
- To report membership status to the Officers and Executive.
- Maintain a list of members in good standing which will be used for voting purposes at all meetings.
- Supplies updated membership lists to the QFHSA office regularly and a final complete membership list to the QFHSA office before February 1.